About the single central component of "E-ticket" in Ukraine: the experience of the operator of LLC "GIS-SERVICE"

The implementation of electronic tickets in public transport remains an urgent issue in Ukraine . Starting from the improper provision of passenger transportation quality, and ending with the lack of transparency of cash flows in transportation. So let's learn more about the "E-ticket", its advantages, problems and, in general, the need for a single central component of this modern e-service in every settlement.

In Ukraine, one of these unique e-ticket software complexes was developed and implemented by the IT company "Ukrainian Geoinformation Systems" LLC, and "GIS-SERVICE" LLC acted as the operator of ASOOP. So far, ASOOP has been implemented in three united territorial communities of Stryi district, the list of which is constantly expanding, but the experience of the operator of LLC "GIS-SERVICE" will be useful for other regions, in particular, in Lviv region.

Problems and shortcomings of urban transport in Ukraine

As of 2022, the transport system of urban passenger transportation in Ukraine functions extremely poorly according to the principle of "3 NO's" - inefficient, non-transparent and low-quality. Why? There are many shortcomings that must be eliminated in order to achieve optimal, high-quality, comfortable public transport in all public transportation centers of Ukraine, namely:

- lack of transparency of cash flows in transportation;

– there is almost no information about the number of transported passengers;

– lack of statistical data on the transportation of preferential categories of citizens;

– false information about the real state of the transport network (profitable or unprofitable routes, insufficient number of vehicles on the routes, etc.);

- monitoring of real data regarding necessary subsidies for transport infrastructure is not carried out;

- There is no CRI in the operation of the transport network, as well as the very possibility of obtaining them.

All of the above-mentioned factors lead to the deterioration of the technical condition of vehicles, illegal cash flows, and irrational financial and economic activity in transport enterprises. However, the most problematic factor remains the lack of high-quality monitoring, analysis and control of public transport both in Ukraine as a whole and in local public transportation.

Will the single central component "E-ticket" help in all urgent transport issues

Yes, indeed. The optimal solution to urgent issues is the universally recognized automated fare accounting system (hereinafter - ASOOP) - at the local level and the Single Central Component (a single database or a single monitoring system) - at the all-Ukrainian level.

If ASOOP is already known and formalized at the legislative level, then the single central component " SOCIUM " is a single database for effective management of all subsystems (ASOOP).

What is this system?

In Ukraine, the single central component of "E-ticket" — " SOCIUM " provides:

1) Receipt of data from ASOOP of Ukraine from all OTGs where ASOOP is implemented or will be implemented.

2) Analytical center for the preparation of reports and the formation of statistical data on the activities of the country's transport infrastructure.

3) Monitoring of the current state of the transport network in the state.

4) Reporting and modeling of ASOOP.

What are the capabilities and advantages of the Unified Central Component:

1) Monitoring of cash flows of Ukraine for public transport ( transactions in the regions – city, OTG, region, transport companies, transport operators; payment statistics – services, subscriptions, tickets, discounts for beneficiaries; subsidies – pupil, student, pensioner, person with disabilities etc.).

2) Dispatching (number of completed/uncompleted flights (non-stop) in regions, by routes and stops)

3) Methodology of travel simulation (updating rolling stock, changing ticket prices, taking passenger traffic into account).

4) Analytics (checking unprofitability and profit, the need to create new routes, the profitability of purchasing new vehicles, cash flows, acquiring - receiving non-cash payments by the company).

5) Quality of transport ( KPI ) – cleanliness, quality and convenience of public transport, etc.

6) Social component (tourist routes, social advertising, support of preferential categories).

7) Legal component (introduction of electronic document flow, the ability to forecast the purchase of spare parts, optimize the replacement fund of equipment, etc.).

8) Distribution network (detection of real passenger traffic on routes by region, retail trade (retail) oriented towards the mass buyer).

How does the Unified Central Component "E-Ticket" work?

A single central component with elements for each administration and carriers consists of multi-portals and mobile applications , which are divided into: the central component - the administrative part of control, with role-based access to data, and the public - an open, centralized all-Ukrainian transport portal and mobile applications for all platforms. There are also portals of individual administrations - transport customers with an administrative part and an open portal

In addition, the complex provides for the insertion of separate open pages on existing administration sites to collect data on the quality of transport work (presence of transport on the route network, performance of daily and hourly graphics indicators).

The single central component also provides for the following tasks:

1) Concentration of data related to ASOOP (passenger flow, statistics of calculations by types). Ability to release certain reports to the public.

2) A centralized "hot" line system, which concerns public transport, with the possibility of control and resolution of issues both by administrations and by each carrier, in particular.

3) A gathering place for transport news, when administrations and carriers can exchange news in their own sub-portals , and all of them are generally grouped and displayed in a central portal and applications.

4) Centralized display of public transport traffic and current schedule online.

5) Collection of information on preferential categories of citizens, with automatic connection to the database. Accordingly, in order to ensure compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data, all ASOOP will receive all the necessary information about beneficiaries online.

Thus, a single central component of an electronic ticket allows you to build a route using several, including different administrations, and provides the opportunity to purchase a multi-ticket. At the same time, it helps to track cash flows, the presence of vehicles on routes, monitoring the number of transported passengers, with separation into preferential categories of citizens, etc. Such a single system is able to optimize all ASOOP systems or each one separately, and even track errors in work, with simultaneous planning and modeling.

ASOOP operator - GIS-SERVICE LLC supports the government's strategy for the introduction of e-services in Ukraine and recommends all transport companies and administrations to join the unified Ukrainian electronic ticket.